Election of Class Officers

Posted: 4/23/2020


Our Class charter requires that we elect Class Officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary) during the year corresponding with our 5-year reunions. As part of that Process we must establish a Nominating Committee to review nominations from classmates and select a slate of recommended officers to the class board for approval.

Your Class Board (current officers plus six battalion representatives) has approved a Nominating Committee comprised of the following four Classmates:

Hank Chiles (Committee Chairman) (703) 941-6351     hankaty@aol.com
Ed Clexton ( Member)                       (757) 491-2141     clexboeck@aol.com
Dick Pariseau (Member)                   (703) 628-1348     dickpariseau@gmail.com
Don Boecker (Member)                    (208 )720-7285     dvboecker@gmail.com

Hank has served as chairman of this committee in the past and Ed, Dick and Don all have served as Class President and are well versed in the duties of our class officers.

Any nominations for our class officer positions must be received no later than July 1st of this year.

– You can contact any or all members of the committee with your nominations.
– We request that you provide the name, e-mail address, and telephone number of the classmate(s) you nominate as well as your own.
– We ask that you contact the classmate you wish to nominate prior to submitting their name to the committee to determine if they are willing to serve.
– We ask that you provide a note providing your rationale for nominating the classmate.
– Your nomination will not be made public by the committee.

John Michalski
