Ron Hinkle and Daughter Heather

Back Row: Hank Papa, Dave Schnegelberger, Buz Ausley, Clint Johnson, Gary Lew, Worthington, John Claman, Doug Johnston, JJ Fee, Pete Bos, Bob Meck, Gary Cogdell, Ray Jones, Al Bissell, Oz Front Row: Sal Zaccagnino, Ron Hinkel, Richard Harper, Jim McConnell, Rich Lang, Dennis Vied

Dave Schnegelberger, Buz Ausley, Bob Osmon, Sal Zaccagnino. “Sal’s Gang”

Dennis Vied, Jim McConnell, Pete Bos, Richard Harper

Naval Aviators, Ron Hinkle, Buz Ausley, Clint Johnson, Jim McConnell, Hank Papa

The Submariners: Back Row: Gary Cogdell, Pete Bos, John Claman, Gary Lew, Doug Johnston, Front Row: Oz, Rich Lang, Jim Worthington, Ray Jones

Navy Surface Line Officers, Rich Lang, Jerry Fee, Richard Harper, Dennis Vied, Al Bissell

Air Force Officers and Their Ladies

The Ladies with Mayor Cleveland ’80: Back Row: Karen Vied, Vonnie Jones, Monte Johnson, Nancy Fee, Mayor Fred Cleveland ’80, Karen Inderlied, Dareen Johnston, Alice Zaccagnino, Annette Lew, Barbara Bissell, Peggy Ann Reid, Theresa Papa Front Row: Peggy Spellman, Fay McConnell, Joyce Claman, Vicky Meck, Sara Worthington

The Submariners and Their Ladies

The Class of ’60 with Mayor Cleveland ’80

Navy Surface Line Officers and Their Ladies

Naval Aviators and Their Ladies

Bob Meck, Hank Papa

Bob Meck, Vicki Meck, Hank Papa, Theresa Papa

Vonnie Jones, Ray Jones

Jerry Fee, Nancy Fee, Jim Worthington, Sara Worthington, Sandy Neal, Rich Lang.

Bob Meck, Vicki Meck, Peggy Reid

Air Force: Sal Zaccagnino, Dave Schnegelberger, Hank Papa

Doug Johnston, Mayor Cleveland ’80, Bob Osmon, Hank Papa

Dennis Vied, Jim McConnell, Pete Bos, Richard Harper, Peggy Spellman, Faye McConnell, Karen Vied

Alice and Sal Zaccagnino, Gary Lew, Annette Lew, Rich Lang, Buz Ausley, Dave Schnegelberger, Karen Inderlied
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- Class President’s Annual Report 2022 April 1, 2023
- Class President’s Annual Report 2021 February 24, 2022
- Class Board Revises Class Charter August 7, 2021
- 2020 Class President’s Report February 14, 2021
- New Class Officer October 30, 2020